Welcome to Massachusetts IRS Data Discovery
presented by Pioneer Institute

Every year, since the early 1990’s, the IRS aggregates and publishes data from the 1040 tax return. The data does not contain the names of individual taxpayers; the IRS aggregates the information on the returns by ZIP code, county, Congressional district, and state. Pioneer is particularly interested in two IRS  datasets: Taxpayer Migration and Individual Income Tax Data.


Taxpayer Migration

Taxpayer migration data for the United States is based on year-to-year address changes reported on individual income tax returns. They present migration patterns by State or by county for the entire United States and are available for inflows—the number of new residents who moved to a State or county and where they migrated from, and outflows—the number of residents leaving a State or county and where they went. The data are available for Filing Years 1993 through 2022.

By comparing taxpayers’ addresses in Year 1
to their address in Year 2

  • Data for 2012 - 2022 tax returns
  • Filters
    • Income range, based on AGI, top range is $200K and over
    • Census divisions and states
    • Age Range
  • Aggregated data: AGI, Returns, and Exemptions
  • Divided into four categories: Inflow, Outflow, Changed address but Same State, Non-migrant

Summary Tax Data

Individual income tax data aggregates selected income and tax items on the 1040 and associated forms. The latest version of the data includes 97 fields from these forms. This data gives you a profile of the economic activity of all the tax filers in a ZIP code, county, or state and can be filtered by income level.

Aggregated data, for Massachusetts,
from the 1040 and associated schedules

  • Data for 2012 - 2020 tax returns
  • Filters
    • Income range, based on AGI, top range is $200K and over
    • MA ZIP codes
    • MA municipalities

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